April 5, 2019

Romans 2:7,10 (NKJV)

“eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality…but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good…”

What we seek determines how we act. We cannot seek one thing and act in ways contrary to what we seek, and expect to find what we seek. Our actions speak our minds and if our minds are set on getting God’s “glory, honor and immortality,” then our ways and pursuits in life will show it. Those who patiently continue in doing good are making a loud statement about what their hearts really want.

If our deepest and innermost desire is to enjoy and live in eternal life, then our daily actions must show it. Patience is needed in doing good because there are so many things that contradict our continuing in doing good. Life is full of nasty triggers that push us away from loving and serving others, but once our hearts are focused on the goal of eternal life and the nature of God which we bear, then we will not be discouraged from pursuing goodness and serving all people.

“Because I bear Your nature O Lord, I will not give up my pursuit for glory, honor and immortality, for these are my inheritance in Christ Jesus. Amen.”


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