Romans 2:8 (NLT)
“But he will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth…”
This passage narrates two things that attract the anger of God, but one really is the root of all other evils, and that’s “living for yourself.” The problem with living for yourself is that you cannot live for others or live for God. Those who live for themselves live selfish lives, where their personal interests guide all their actions. Such persons will always be self centered, miserly and self promoting. Such men cannot please God because they are their own gods.
One of the reasons we don’t obey the truth is when the truth contradicts our personal enjoyment or agendas. Those who live for themselves have strong interests that usually undermine and negate God’s will for their lives. Those who obey the truth are people who have learned to put God above Self. Living for yourself is the root of all evils and unless we die to this “Self-existence,” we cannot live or walk the spiritual God-centered life.
“Lord, I need You to kill me, kill that self centered core in me. Unless I die, I know I will always disobey the truth and therefore displease You. So put me through the pain of dying to self, so that I can thereafter live for God. Amen.”