Romans 2:17-18 (NKJV)
“Indeed you are called a Jew, and rest on the law, and make your boast in God”
As God’s chosen race through Jesus Christ, we are the Jews of God in this new dispensation. However, there are several things we need to learn from the Jewish people. First of all, they anchored their lives around the “law”; as Paul put it, they “rest on the law.” For the Jew, the Law of God settled every matter, and so should it be concerning us and the Word of God. Human perspectives and reasonings are good, but they must all be subjected and interpreted by the Word of God.
Secondary, the Jew had only one boast and that was that they were God’s people and they belonged to God. NLT says, “you boast about your special relationship with Him (God).” This is very impressive. What is our boasting about today? Do we boast in our family name, our church denomination, our profession, or even our personal achievements? If so, we are boasting outside of the will of God and we are not true spiritual Jews. We need to have only one boast and that is in who we are in Christ and that we belong to God. That alone, must be the boast we make.
“Lord, I choose to rest in and rely on Your Word, and I limit my boasting only to the rare privilege I have of being called Your own. Amen.”