April 25, 2019

Romans 3:23 (NLT)

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”

Why is justification so crucial? Because no man can ever claim righteousness without the justifier. The way we are, we are broken vessels and we always fall short of God’s glorious standard. No matter how hard we try to be righteous and good, it will never meet up to God’s moral expectations. God is so very holy, too holy; His holiness is far beyond anything we can ever imagine or aspire to of ourselves.

We need the justifier because we are sinful people. We need the justifier when we come to terms with our brokenness. The self righteous are the least dependent on Jesus for justification because they somehow believe that their lives can meet God’s righteous standards. Such foolishness!! I do not ever presume to be righteous outside Christ, hence I am in constant desperate need of His justification, and I will not dare wander off to believe that I am something or that I can ever be something outside of Christ.

“Lord Jesus, I cannot deceive You. You know me. I cannot meet the glorious standards of God without You. I cling to You for justification, that I may find acceptance before the Almighty God. Amen.”


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