Romans 3:27 (NKJV)
“Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith.”
There is a law of faith and by the law of faith, no man can boast. The man of faith knows that he gets favor from God not because of what he has done, but by the mercy of God. A man of faith who boasts is foolish because he breaks the law that upholds and supports him. Boasting in your good deeds is as foolish as boasting in your works of faith, because faith is no longer faith if it depends on works. Boasting is totally excluded in the work of justification.
Our justification is a work of grace, and although we had to apply faith to believe in the atoning work of Jesus, the work of faith is actually a work of grace because no one can believe without the grace to have the faith to believe. So we need grace to have the faith to find the grace of justification! If this is the case, then where is the basis for any form of boasting? None whatsoever! Justification is a work of God from start to finish and even our role is an act of mercy from God. Such wonder. What a great God we serve.
“Lord, it is such a wonder that You do all this for me. Even the faith I have was a gift from You. How eternally indebted am I to You Jesus, my Lord and my God.”