Romans 4:13 (NLT)
“Clearly, God’s promise to give the whole earth to Abraham and his descendants was based not on his obedience to God’s law, but on a right relationship with God that comes by faith.”
NLT says “Clearly”, meaning it is evident. God’s great promises to Abraham were not dependent on his obedience to the law or by the works of the flesh, but it was given to him because Abraham had a right relationship with God, testified by his faith in God. God saw Abraham’s faith and because Abraham believed, God was not afraid to give him such great promises, “to give the whole earth to Abraham and his descendants.”
If our faith in God is unshakeable, we will likewise receive unimaginable promises from God that will impact our generation and the generations of our descendants. Amazing possibilities await us if we will rise up in faith, and not depend on the works of the flesh. The flesh is weak and we will never match up to the expectations of the law, but we can believe God from a pure heart, and God who sees in secret, will reward us openly. Like our father Abraham, lets nurture our relationship and faith in God, and wait in wonder for what God would do in response.
“Lord, I will not trust the arm of flesh. I choose to look upwards, eyes-focused on You our awesome God. I know there are amazing possibilities with You, and I wait in excitement for them. Halleluya. Amen.”