May 17, 2019

Romans 5:17 (NKJV)

“For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)”

To reign means to have absolute control and sovereign rule over a person or group of persons. To reign means your position is unchallenged and never in dispute, because you are at the top, you are the best and the strongest. Through Adam, death was given the power to reign over us. Death had absolute sovereign rule because of sin, and we could do nothing about it. But praise be to God, that through Jesus Christ, the reign of death was destroyed and we received the gift of life in righteousness. Halleluya.

I am therefore no longer under the reign of death. I need to understand and receive this revelation. I am free from the reign of death. Another sovereign is ruling in the place of death, and this new rulership is more powerful than the lordship of death. Just as death used to reign unchallenged, I need to fully walk in the newness of the reign of Jesus’ life of righteousness. That’s my new present reality. Walk confidently in this new season with your new Lord.

“Thank You Lord for conquering the reign of death and enforcing Your reign of life in me. Praise God that death has lost its sting and reign over me. Halleluya.”


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