June 1, 2019

Romans 8:2 (NKJV)

“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

Another evidence that I am indeed in Christ and beyond condemnation is my adhering to the law of the Spirit. Some people have thought that being in Christ simply meant freedom from the law of sin, but this is only partially true. There is a law of the Spirit and a law of Sin. The law of the Spirit is the law of God’s abiding life, which comes through the work and presence of Jesus Christ in the believer. The Spirit of God guides the new believer by this law of life, and like every law, there are consequences of breaking the law. To imagine that the spiritual life is devoid of laws is a fallacy and a falsehood.

We have been free from the law of sin and death, but we have been embedded into another law. One way to know that you are in Christ is that your innermost being is connected to the Spirit of God, who conforms your life according to the patterns of the law of the Spirit. The man who is justified and free from sin is really not free; but he has only been moved over from one law to the other, albeit, to a better and higher law. I know that I belong to Christ by how I live according to the laws of the Spirit of Christ, and no longer by the laws of sin that produce death.

“Praise God that I am free from sin and death, but Lord, may I only and always live according to the laws of Your Spirit. Amen.”


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