Romans 8:4 (NKJV)
“that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
The law of God is good and although the law is known for magnifying death, it did so simply because it revealed the sinfulness of man and thereby producing the just punishment for all who broke the law. The law was not the problem. Verse 3 declares that the weakness of the law was the power of the Flesh, so that while the law made it clear what God’s expectations were and what the repercussions of breaking the law was, men still broke the law because of the overwhelming dominating power of the flesh.
We who are in Christ have not escaped the law but live above and beyond the law. We who are in Christ live according to the Spirit of God, the very same Spirit that ordered the law; and having the Spirit of God enabling us on the inside, we fulfill the righteous requirements of the law as by nature. God sent Christ in the flesh to condemn the power of the flesh, so that we who belong to Christ do not break the law of God because of the flesh. We have crossed over from death to life. A practical evidence of the delivered child is his ability to naturally (by reason of his new nature and new indwelling Spirit), fulfill all the requirements of the law, and live by the higher codes of the laws of the Spirit of Christ.
“Lord, I cannot go down but keep rising up; rising to higher standards, expectations and levels of spirituality. To measure my spiritual performance by the old laws is to demean and reduce the work of Your Spirit in me.”