June 10, 2019

Romans 8:14 (NKJV)

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”

I know I am a child of God and I know my rights and privileges as God’s child, and one of the foremost blessings I have is to have the Almighty God as my guide in life. There isn’t anything more beautiful than to have the Lord Himself leading me through life. Everything else that He has done for me and in me, is to bring me to the point where He lives in me and actively guides my every step, my every move, my every thought and my every decision. One of the greatest evidences that we are in Christ is that Christ guides us.

If you feel abandoned, left all alone in this world without the Lord on your side, then maybe you need to check where you are standing. Jesus said, “I will never leave you or forsake you,” and that promise still stands for all who belong to Him. Yes, there are seasons when He may be silent but even in His silence, He makes us know that His silence is still part of His guidance. When God seems silent, He is still speaking through His silence, and the reborn Saint understands this paradox of communication from the Godhead. We are never alone. We are never without divine guidance. An unshakeable sign of our newness in Christ is that God leads His sheep and His sheep hear Him and follow Him, because they know His voice.

“I know that You are always speaking Lord. Even when it seems like You are not there, You are always speaking. Teach me again and again, to hear You, even through the silence of Your words. Amen.”


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