June 12, 2019

Romans 8:15-16 (NKJV)

“…you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,”

One of the most salient and deep evidence that we belong to Christ is that quiet inner conviction from God Himself, confirming that we are His children. I guess nothing can be more truthful than the deep spiritual assurance that we are God’s children, but this assurance must not be a presumptuous emotional feeling but a spiritual witness from the Holy Spirit. If we have received the Spirit of adoption, it is the same Spirit that has the veracity to call us God’s children.

Remember, it must not be my heart telling me that I am a child of God. NLT says, “His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children.” This is a Spirit to spirit work. We have our own spirits and there is God’s Spirit. Only God’s Spirit can go down deep enough to ignite that conviction that we can call the Almighty God “Father,” and once God has accepted us as adopted sons, we can lift our faces up to Him and call out, “Abba Father,” or “Hi Dad!” There is a freedom and familiarity we develop with God when the Spirit has brought us to this point of grace and connection; and there is no greater source of confidence and peace than knowing that the Everlasting All-Powerful Creator of the whole world, is your dad! That’s rest redefined!!

“I have found rest in You Oh God. My rest is complete because You are my Dad, and You care for me. You’ve told me I am Your child through Christ, and I believe You. I now have peace that passes all understanding. Halleluya. Amen.”


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