Romans 8:31 (NKJV)
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
God is for us. No matter who is against us or working for our downfall, God is for us. No truth can be more comforting. If the Almighty creator God is for us, then why all the fretting and anxiety? We live in a generation where the powers and person of Satan has been so magnified, such that we who are supposed to be in Christ have fallen for the cruel deception that Satan is greater than God. God is for us. Satan is against us, but that’s no cause for alarm once we are sure that God is for us.
The reborn child of God is never afraid of the wiles of Satan, neither does he give Satan the attention Satan wants. All the hordes of hell may rise up against me but it doesn’t mean anything to me because God is for me. God is on my side and I don’t need any superman prophet praying for me to overcome. I am already in God and God is in me, and I have victory simply by that fact. Amen.
“Amen and amen. I bear the marks of Christ. I have the glory of God. God is on my side because I am in the love of God. I don’t need anything more from You Lord. I am satisfied. Amen.”