Romans 9:2-3 (NKJV)
“that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart…for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh,”
Remember your people. While we may be busy doing so many things among so many other people, we must not forget our people. Our families and our nation are sometimes forgotten or put on the back burner in the face of our other daily priorities, and this is not right. How can we rejoice and be happy while our family members and country folks are experiencing tragedy and spiritual blindness? How can we keep celebrating our works among other people when our homes and near neighbors are being plundered by Satan?
We must remember our people. We must trust God for a work in our Jerusalem, even as we target peoples in the ends of the earth. In Paul’s words, “My heart is filled with bitter sorrow and unending grief for my people…I would be willing to be forever cursed—cut off from Christ! —if that would save them!” – NLT. Paul was willing to go to extreme lengths to bring salvation to them, even if it meant losing his salvation in the process. Such extreme devotion. What sacrifices are we making for our people? Do we feel “bitter sorrow and grief” when we hear or see how Satan plunders our people? This is a wake up call. We must arise for our people, even as we target our other priorities. Our people need us.
“Lord, increasingly turn my heart towards the needs of my people and those in my Jerusalem. Fill my heart with a passion and burden for them. In Jesus name. Amen.”