July 2, 2019

Romans 9:23 (NKJV)

“and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory,”

Another aspect of God’s sovereignty is that He has prepared beforehand, some vessels of mercy that will enter into the riches of His glory. Glory has been reserved for some, and it is our delight and joy to know that for as many who will embrace and walk with Christ, these are the predestined and called into His glory. God is the One who makes known the knowledge of Christ to the vessels of mercy through His Church, and since we do not know who these vessels of mercy are, it is our mandate to present Christ to all men.

Christ is the embodiment of God’s riches and glory and for those who are in Christ, they fall within the circumference of the glory of God in His sovereignty. We are in the riches of His glory. We need to preach the riches of His glory to all mankind. God’s sovereignty is not partial to some but available to all who are in Christ. If some do not enter that glory, then it is either because we did not take the message of Christ to them or they, having heard, rejected the message. Let’s do our part. And let’s leave the rest to God.

“I am one of Your prepared vessels of mercy because of Christ. Help me to preach Christ to others so that they also may enter into the same rich glory. Amen.”


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