July 31, 2019

Romans 12:2 (NLT)

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think…”

No individual or society can experience true lasting change until they change the way they think. In fact, why some nations develop faster than others is directly tied to the way their people think. The way we think determine the way we act. The way we think directs the way we relate with issues and people. Transformation cannot be forced from the outside. Transformation starts with a change in our thinking pattern. How I think and what I think about forms my perspectives, my habits and my goals.

Our greatest need therefore is not for God to transform us externally but to change our minds; to affect the way we think. If we will subject our minds to the Lord’s control, then there is hope for our personal and societal development. There can’t be any real spiritual progress until our minds come under the full control of the Holy Spirit. When God has a tight grip on our thinking faculty, He has gained control of the central processes that drives our lives. Let’s therefore not only focus on God changing our hearts and spirits; we need God to change our mind if we will ever experience any lasting growth and progress.

“Oh Lord, take over my mind. Reign it in. Subdue it. Break it. Conform it. My entire pilgrimage depends on how much control You have over this rudder that guides my ship. Please Lord, take it over completely. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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