Matthew 26:35
“Peter said to Him, ‘Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!’ And so said all the disciples.”
We must never overrate ourselves. We must not be presumptuous of what our true strengths are. One of the greatest strengths of a man is to humbly accept that he is not strong. When we think we are strong, then we are weak. Too many believers have developed skill and competence, and through these, they have arrived at a point of spiritual independence and personal strength based on human ability. This is a very dangerous place to be.
When Jesus was warning the disciples that they would deny Him, Peter led the vocal resistance against this assertion. They were basically saying that Jesus was wrong. They refused to accept the warning of the Master. How I wished they had simply knelt at His feet and asked Him to strengthen them! But no, they felt they were strong enough to stand whatever Satan would throw at them. Of course, we know they all failed when the time of testing came. May we never trust in ourselves. Self-confidence is foolishness and an overrating of personal ability. May we live in utter dependency of God’s strength so that we may stand on the evil day. Amen.
“Lord Jesus, You know when my days of testing will come. Oh Jesus, help me not to misbehave on that day. Please go ahead of me and show me Your mercy by strengthening me in advance, so that I don’t fall. I need Your touch. I need Your hand on me, every moment of every day. In Your name, I pray. Amen.”