Matthew 27:23
“Then the governor said, ‘Why, what evil has He done?’ But they cried out all the more, saying, ‘Let Him be crucified!’ ”
Even though He had done nothing to deserve crucifixion, yet the people cried out for His death. Although He had done so much good for them and loved them like no other man could, yet they cried out for Him to die. Mankind is the strangest breed of God’s creation because we destroy the very things that bless us. They all knew that Jesus was sinless. It wasn’t only Pilate who knew this; everyone in Jerusalem knew how holy and godly Jesus was, and yet they screamed for His execution.
Mankind is weird. Human beings are bizarre creations indeed. When we set our hearts to do evil, it doesn’t matter at what personal cost. Once we have set our minds to achieve a goal, right and wrong are no longer important. Our thinking faculties and sense of reasoning can be so flawed at times that our decisions sometimes don’t make sense at all. But that’s part of what makes human being very weird. May we not live by the normal flow of humanity, but may we extricate ourselves from that death trap of human logic that destroys its own goodness in the process of logical reasoning.
“Lord, I want to live out the fullness of the Jesus life. I don’t ever want to feel and reason like logical Man, because if I do, I will perform evil through my logical reasoning. This I pray for, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”