November 4, 2017

Genesis 43:28 (NKJV)

“And they answered, ‘Your servant our father is in good health; he is still alive.’ And they bowed their heads down and prostrated themselves.”

I must have faith to believe that what God says will come to pass, will come to pass; even if it doesn’t happen at my expected schedule or following the route of my choice. God does not owe us an explanation or an apology; God, is God and He will perfect the Word He has spoken, in His own time and in His way. The fulfillment of His will is not dependent on human acceptance or response. God is God, and He makes all things beautiful in His time.

The dream Joseph had had several years earlier became a reality at God’s appointed time and in God’s way. The brothers who had fought the very thought of Joseph ruling over them were voluntarily and quakingly bowing heads down and prostrated before the same Joseph.

Isn’t God amazing? He does what He says He will do, whether Man in all his scheming and desire, likes it or not.

“Halleluya to our great God. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Teach me to have faith and to wait faithfully for Your timing. I know You will perfect everything You have spoken. I must, therefore, stop fretting and trying to figure out all the details. Amen.”


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