“I am absolutely convinced the power of heaven is unlocked on earth when we devote ourselves to the secret place of the Most High.
“One of the best kept secrets of our faith is the blessedness and joy of cultivating a secret life with God…Hell will do everything in its power to misrepresent and distort the exuberant delight of this dynamic reality; this present world system is strategically designed to squeeze out your time and energy for the secret place; the church usually focuses its best energies on getting saints busy; and there seem to be relatively few believers whose secret life with God is so vibrantly life-giving that it kindles a contagious desire in others to follow their example.
“When we learn to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, we are positioning ourselves to discover the key to true kingdom fruitfulness. Reproductive power is unlocked in the shadow of the Almighty!
“As you devote yourself to the secret place with God, He will birth something within you that will spread, in His time, to the four corners of your sphere.
“Won’t you join me in pressing forward into new dimensions of kingdom power and glory? The face of Christianity is changed, generation after generation, by those who discover the power of the secret place.”
—Bob Sorge
“OH LORD, I passionately desire to experience the powers of heaven. Oh Lord, I confess that I have been too distracted by the things of this earth, and because of these things, I have fallen short of Your glorious power. But today, on the first day of this pilgrimage, I make the decision to be brutal on everything that seeks to steal my quiet times of reflection with You Lord. I choose the Secret Place of encounter. I say YES to You—YES to time with You. Birth in me new dimensions of Your power and glory; and let my spirit soak in Your depth and reality. I will not accept anything less than a full encounter with You—a tangible touching of Your presence Lord. All these I pray, in Jesus name. Amen.”
Make a list of things that draw you away from spending quality time with God. Make a decision and a prayer to resist their satanic schemes over your life. Make a conscious decision and prayer to say YES to spending more quality quiet times alone with God! Then monitor to observe your progress.