“And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight” 2 Samuel 6:22
“Our violent pursuit of God must be wedded to a gentle and humble spirit. Humility is the foundation of all prayer. Humility says, ‘Lord, I am empty without Your fullness; I am broken without Your wholeness; I am helpless without Your strength; I am clueless without your wisdom. Apart from You I am nothing. I need You! I need You so desperately that I am pouring myself out to You here in the secret place.’
“Prayerlessness is the first sign of prideful independence. We begin to trim back on our secret time with God when we’re feeling great about ourselves, energetic and optimistic about our future, and confident about the path we’re taking. It’s the first sign that we’re getting full of ourselves.
“Once you see His greatness and your bankruptcy, there comes great joy in humbling yourself before the Lord. With what delight the elders cast their crowns at the foot of the throne! They take what represents the aggregate compilation of all their achievements and throw it all down at the feet of Him from whom it all proceeded in the first place. He gave it to us that we might give it all back to Him…He is everything, and as we are joined to Him the poverty of our personal identity is lost in the fullness of His eternal greatness.
“What a privilege to lay all our life attainments at His feet in profound awareness of His all-surpassing greatness! The greater I am, the more joy I have in taking that greatness and bowing it before Him. ‘And the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it’ (Revelation 21:24). He dignifies us that we might have something to lay before Him in humility and devotion…What a holy privilege is ours, to come into the throne room of His presence and empty ourselves of all dignity by prostrating ourselves before Him, worshiping Him with our entire being.
“The servant of God who owns his nothingness finds no greater joy than searching out ever-increasing ways to humble himself in the presence of the Almighty One.”—Bob Sorge
My Prayer
“Lord, I am nothing without You. All that I think I am is really vanity and emptiness without Your presence. Only You can make my life have substance and meaning. Forgive me for all the times I have felt I was something and went out to prove my somethingness, without referring to You. Oh Lord, all the accomplishment of my life are all really crowns that You gave me. I never accomplished anything without You. All the crowns are really Yours. Forgive my insolence. I lay prostrate before You today. I refuse to raise my shoulders because pride is an abomination in Your presence. Have mercy on me, and grant me the constant joy of living under Your shadow. Never permit me to ever promote myself, by myself, and for myself. May I always seek Your face, and Your glory—and never mine. In Jesus name. Amen.”
The Challenge
Choose today to walk behind the Lord and under His shadow. Choose today never to arrogate any importance to yourself and always give all credit to God. Choose today to lay prostrate before the Almighty One—casting all your crowns at His feet. And may this give you joy.