“For whoever has, to him more will be given” Mark 4:25
“For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance.” Matthew 13:12
“Those who retain what God gives them will be given more. I don’t trust my brain. My memory is like a sieve. If I don’t write it down, there’s a 99% chance that I’ll forget it. So when God reveals something valuable to me from His word, I don’t trust myself to remember it. I write it down.
“I keep a journal for one simple reason: I am desperate for more! And I know more won’t be given to me unless I have properly managed what He has already given me…
“Make your journal the place where you chronicle the spiritual truths that quicken your spirit while you’re in the secret place. When God feeds you with His manna, write it down. Then, review it later. Keep visiting that truth until it’s woven into the fabric of your Christian experience and conduct.
“If we embrace God’s word to our hearts with great zeal, endeavoring to not only be a hearer but also a doer of the word, then He will measure out to us further insight with the same degree of diligence…If we are negligent with the insights God gives us, He will remove from our lives even that which we thought we had.
“I am personally convinced that I cannot hold onto what God gives me apart from writing it down. So if I don’t faithfully journal and integrate into my life those things God gives me, He will take away from me even that which I do have. Journaling, then, is a vital element in being faithful before God.
“Spiritual abundance is not a guarantee to all believers; it is as- sured only to those who are faithful with what they receive. So an abundant life in Christ is not passively received, it is aggressively taken.
“I have made the vow of the psalmist my personal ambition: “I will not forget Your word” (Psalm 119:16). When He feeds me with insight from His word, I use every thinkable measure to retain that truth in my heart and soul. Here’s my secret: I write it down, and then review it every now and then.”—Bob Sorge
My Prayer
“Lord, I recommit to start journaling again. I used to be very faithful with this but I have lost the daily discipline of keeping detailed notes of Your dealings with me. Lord, by Your grace and starting today—I will start afresh. In Jesus name. Amen.”
The Challenge
Get a notepad or some place to record God’s intimate dealings in Your life. Start today to keep your records.