“I think that we are living on the very outskirts, the far margin of the kingdom of God. We are in it, but we are just barely inside the door. Christians ought to recognize that our nature has been joined to God’s nature in the mystery of the Incarnation.”

“One of the primary missions of our Lord was to convey to unbelieving people that they occupy the same place as He does in the heart of God. We are there because of the absolute worthiness of the Lord Jesus Christ who is our head.”

“I recommend that we raise our eyes to God, the Majesty in the heavens, and that we look long and hard and reverently at Him in faith, and see at His right hand one of us, and say, ‘If he can be there, I can be there. If He is accepted of God, I am accepted in Him, in the Beloved. If God loves Him, He loves me. If He is safe, I am safe. And if He has conquered, I can conquer. And if He’s victorious, I can be victorious.’ ”

“From our human point of view, man has always revolted against the presence of God, starting in the Garden of Eden. The first Adam took us away from the presence of God, while the second Adam, Christ, leads us straight into God’s presence. The revolt of man is overturned by the redemptive action from the throne on high. God has paved the way into His presence and never winces in the face of man’s revolt.”

Culled from A. W. Tozer, “The Crucified Life.”


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