1 Samuel 17:14 (NKJV)
“David was the youngest. And the three oldest followed Saul.”
There is too much emphasis on age as though numerical age in itself is what counts before God. God does not operate in this way. Because He is ageless, His does not use human means of measurement to measure capacity and capability.
He looks at other parameters.
Age is important, and we need to give respect to those older than us. But giving respect and earning respect are two different things. Naturally, we should give honor to those who are before us, but earning respect has to do with displaying proven capacity.
Many people want the respect they have not earned. They want it as a right, and we ought to give it to them because they are older.
But these people don’t realize that forced respect does not naturally translate to followership. People follow those who have capacity.
Let’s look at Christ for a minute.
Did His followers follow Him because He was older than them, or because they saw someone worthy of following? If it’s the latter, then this reinforces the understanding that people respect and follow who they believe have values that they covet.
Maybe because Saul was king, David’s three eldest brothers followed him. But when the battle line was drawn with Goliath, neither Saul nor David’s brothers were able to step forward.
Yet David, the youngest, rose up to the task and displayed a capacity that his elders did not have.
Don’t look down on yourself. Don’t listen to the voice of liars that say you are unworthy of honor because you are young.
Some people will try to discredit you to hide their own incapability. If you believe the lie, you will forget who you are and what God has installed in you.
Keep growing yourself. Keep growing your inner capacity. Keep investing in knowing God and let Him pour into you.
Don’t let anyone look down on your age or gender. Turn every failure as an opportunity to grow, to learn, to relearn, to increase capacity.
Here’s the secret.
People are actually looking for leaders but leaders need to prove themselves. David became the leader people loved and followed, even while Saul was king.
People will follow you if you work at earning their respect. Christ is our champion. Keep growing capacity in Him.