1 Samuel 17:48 (NKJV)
“So it was, when the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, that David hurried and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.”
The enemy of our souls will not back down. After making his threats, he will advance against
He very much believes that he can and will conquer God’s people, but he does not understand the power of God and the resolve of God’s people.
Goliath was surprised that David was not afraid. Goliath had thought that his intimidations would have scared David away.
And so, when David stood his ground, the Philistine moved forward to crush him.
Our enemies are moving forward. They are pressing in on every side. They are drawing near.
In the classrooms and the courtrooms. In the corridors of power and in the boardrooms. In the market square, and in the barbing salon. Everywhere.
And unfortunately, godly pilgrims are moving backward. They are striking deals. They are agreeing to compromises. They are accepting the lies of hell, lies that say that it is inevitable for darkness to conquer light.
But David refused this lie. When Goliath pressed forward, David also “quickly ran out to meet him” (NLT).
David did not want to show any weakness by wasting time or looking hesitant. He pressed in as Goliath pressed forward.
We must press forward. For the sake of our generation, and for the sake of future generations.
If we hesitate, Goliath will consume us and imprison future generations. No hesitation, dear pilgrims. No hesitation.
Now is the time for God’s chosen people to call upon the name of the Lord like never before.
Now is the time for us to see through the lies spreading everywhere like wildfires.
Now is the time to hurry up in spiritual confrontation.