October 12, 2016

Psalms 7:11 (NKJV)

‘God is a just judge, And God is angry with the wicked every day.’

Why would a man choose to live in such a way that God would be angry at him every day? It’s insane. It’s absurd. But it’s a reality. It’s unbelievable that men could so love this ‘ephemeral earthly life’ that they would voluntarily choose to act in ways that put them at odds with God, even at the risk of attracting the wrath of God.

But that’s a risk am unwilling to take. I’d rather be a fool than to act in such a way that God would consider me wicked. It is possible to have experienced the atoning sacrifice of Christ and yet daily work and walk as though we had not. This is the height of wickedness because therein lies wickedness itself: that in so doing we have made void the sacrifice of Christ and made His redemption of no effect. Practical wickedness is acting out a script that is in direct opposition to the will of God. On such practitioners, God’s wrath awaits them daily.

Dare you live a life that attracts God’s wrath?

‘Lord, this shall never be my portion in Jesus name. After the atoning work of Christ, my life shall not and cannot be a display of wickedness. This would be in itself, a great wickedness deserving of God’s highest judgment. So, Lord, I plead for the full leadership and full power of your Spirit, to make me walk away from any form of practical wickedness. I earnestly pray that I may live in line with the atonement of Christ and that I may escape the anger of God, which is surely and daily upon the wicked. This I pray in Christs’ precious name. Amen.’


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