October 29, 2016

Psalms 11:7 (NKJV)

‘For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright.’

The Lord is righteous. Another name you can use for God is Righteous. In heaven, they constantly say to Him: ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’. A true walk with God is a walk in righteousness. They fool themselves who say they have been redeemed and are in God through Christ and yet continue to walk in unrighteousness. That is the height of folly because they have not known Him nor seen Him, who is called The Righteous One of Israel.

And because He is righteous in totality, He cannot behold unrighteousness. That’s why Jesus came. He that knew no sin was made sin for us. So we now bear His righteousness and when God looks at us, His countenance beholds Christ. Christ has become our righteousness and holiness. We are hidden in Christ. Halleluya.

If you are among the righteous family of God, celebrate His love for you today, because His face is constantly beholding you.

‘Thank you again, Jesus, that we are hid in your righteousness. Without you, we have no hope of standing before the Righteous Presence of the Almighty. And because we are in you, it behooves us to live out practically, the righteousness you have granted us judicially. If we do not work out this practical righteousness under your grace, then peradventure we do not yet have your judicial grace. As I enjoy the bestowed righteousness from Jesus, Holy Spirit- please do the work of perfecting the practical righteousness for the world to see. Amen.’


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