
July 12, 2016

Galatians 1:15

‘But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace’

Election pleases God. It pleased God to separate some people unto election, even from their mother’s womb. God knew that this was going to be the end product of this child and He ordained it to be so, even from before the beginning. That is unexplainable. Why did God choose me out of millions who were lost? Why did God call me out of millions? It pleased God to choose me by His sovereign election. By why? Why me? I have tears in my eyes as I try to understand why. Such mercy. Such love.

The call was not by the works of man neither by the efforts of angels. The calling was simply and only by the grace of God. Grace does not operate by works. Grace operates the free mandate of God, having been paid for by the blood of Christ. O! Such wonder. Such privilege. How can I boast? I was wretched, useless & of no value; neither to myself not to God. But by a sovereign choice that only heaven understands, He touched me. He said to me, ‘You! I want you. I love you. Come to me!’ I am broken & smitten in love because of this choice. And after touching me, He gave me all I needed to start afresh. O my Lord & my God.

‘Praise God for you loved me and chose me before I was even born. Isn’t that amazing? That doesn’t make sense Lord. Lord you are amazing. That I belong to you was entirely your decision. It was you choosing & separating me, even though I needed it the most. I may think I chose you but that’s not reality; the truth is that you chose me & then gave me grace to come to you. That’s the truth. For this reason, I live in total submission. For this reason, I adore you. I can’t understand why you chose me but I am very grateful you did. O thank you Lord. Thank you. Amen.’


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