Overrated Man

July 17, 2016

Galatians 2:6 (NKJV)

‘But from those who seemed to be something—whatever they were, it makes no difference to me; God shows personal favoritism to no man—for those who seemed to be something added nothing to me.’

Paul was not being disrespectful. He was simply putting man in his rightful place as man. There is a way men have come to so elevate men that man begins to obscure the light of the glory of God. We need to pay respect to man but we must not make man the index of our personal identity or the measurement of our personal value.

We live in a man-centric world and man has taken up the place of honor in the Church of God. We must never forget that it is God who can truly measure man and we must ensure that our focus and worth is never tied to the words or perspective of a man, because the man himself is under the obligation of God and will be judged by Him. We must depart therefore from all forms of man-worship in this man-constructed Church of the 21st Century man-ego world.

‘Lord, teach me to place man where man is meant to be. Help me place my worth not in man but in you, who is the true judge of all men. As I give honor to whom honor is due, may I always reserve the ultimate honor for you and may my personal identity stem from what you see and say about me. Amen.’


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