Kingdom Mentality

July 19, 2016

Galatians 2:9 (NKJV)

‘and when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that had been given to me, they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised.’

We need to work together and not compete against one another. It’s one vision and one goal. Our task is to establish the kingdom of God on the earth and this we must do as the Body of Christ. Yes, there are different roles but these roles must cooperate and network in order for the overall vision to be achieved. James, Peter and John recognized this and although they were not called to the Gentiles as Paul was, they partnered with him, affirmed him and embraced his ministry as one with theirs. This is Kingdom Thinking.

We must fight away all forms of competition in the Body and among bible believing ministries. We must see that cooperation is the only way we can win the battle against the gates of hell. We don’t have to agree on all the details of doctrine and ministry strategy but we must recognize that God is working in others and we must find ways to affirm and promote the tasks committed to others in the Body. Watch your life. Are you a divider or a builder, in the Body of Christ? Do you often feel threatened by what others are doing for Christ and talk down/ talk against their ministries? Do you promote your Church and your ministry to the detriment of others? If yes to any of the above, you are a sinner and need to repent.

‘O Lord, deliver us from competing against one another. Forgive me where I have promoted my work and my agency by pushing down the ministries of others. I acknowledge this is sin and I repent of it today. Help us all to work as one team rather than opposing sides on opposing teams. Grant us the largeness of heart to promote, support and encourage the ministries of others in the Body, who serve you faithfully. Impress on us until we actually begin to operate your Kingdom Mentality. May I never again be caught being a divider of the Body. Never. This I ask through Christ. Amen.’


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