Labors Of Mentoring

August 4, 2016

Galatians 4:19 (NKJV)

‘My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you’

We need more mentors in our generation. The Church needs more deliberate disciple makers, disciplers who work with men and labor with them until Christ be formed in them. The work of the evangelist or itinerant preacher is easy. He preaches. Maybe people get saved or maybe they don’t. It doesn’t matter. He preaches and he moves on. But not so with the discipler. For him, the real work is not in getting people saved but helping them remain saved and growing in their salvation. It takes a lot of pain and hard work.

So many people are saved but not growing. So many people are saved but not becoming more like Christ. And the missing part of the puzzle is the absence of disciplers or mentors. Disciplers need to raise disciplers. We need a movement of disciple makers who see this as a calling from Christ, after all Jesus said, ‘Go and make disciples’. But it’s hard work. It’s painful work. Your heart will be broken many times as people slide away from the ways of Christ or simply refuse to practice the disciplines that will help them grow. Every disciple of Christ should be discipling someone else. The pastor needs to be a disciple maker who raises other disciplers in the church.

‘Lord, I know I have not been as faithful as I should have been in disciple making. I know I need to invest more time into the lives of those whom you’ve brought close to me. I am so very very sorry for my failure in this regard and my lack of faithfulness in this task. So help me Lord to grow in this ministry. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.’


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