Galatians 6:4-5 (NKJV)
‘But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load.’
At the end of the day, each man will stand alone. And on that day, it will be each man accounting for the life he lived and the works he did. In order not to suffer loss or face shame on that day, we need to practice the daily discipline of self-examination. Unless we know how to do this under the light of God’s Word and Spirit, we may go through life thinking that all is well when all isn’t well at all.
We each have our own loads to carry through life. My load is different from your load. God’s expectation of me is different from His expectation of you; therefore my rejoicing must be tied to how I have fared with the load earmarked for me. Don’t live thinking that God will do a communal assessment. He won’t. Each man will answer his own name before God. And since God alone knows the extent of the load given to me, He alone is able to assess me. I must therefore seek His face continually that I may thereby hear His voice and understand His expectations of me. The examination must begin now and only when I am sure that He has passed me here, can I dare have confidence to cross over for the examination on the other side.
‘Lord examine me now. Show me where I am failing and not living up to expectations. Help me now Lord. Let your voice be clear and sharp. I can’t examine myself because I don’t even know what to look out for. I don’t trust myself. I trust you to speak to me in a way I can understand and help me make the adjustments I must make now, while it is day, before the night of life comes upon me. This I ask in Jesus name.’