August 20, 2016

Galatians 6:9-10 (NKJV)

‘And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all…’

Doing good is hard work particularly when the good you do is not being appreciated. It becomes wearisome when you keep doing good to people and they take your acts of goodness as a sign of weakness or foolishness. Doing good is not easy but we are called to do good to all people; not just to those who deserve our goodness. We need to keep our eyes on God and follow His example. He does good to all His creation; to those who are evil and to those who are good. God is good and He cannot change His nature because of men. So must we be. If we bear the image of Christ, then our calling is to do good at all times to all people; even to those who despise and abuse the good we do.

This is hard but this is the way of God. God is good all the time and His goodness is often taken for granted and not appreciated. In the same way, I must not lose heart if my acts of goodness to men is not appreciated, accepted or recognized. Don’t do good to be thanked or appreciated. Just do good because that is your nature in Christ. Remember, there is also a reaping of blessings for the acts of goodness but that will be in God’s own time and season. So whether the reaping is now or in eternity, just keep doing good. And do it to everyone. And do it gladly.

‘Lord, the self-life loves to be appreciated and we feel bitter when we are not thanked for the good we do. But free my heart from the grips of this desire so that I no longer care how men respond to my acts of goodness. Let it not matter anymore. Help me to live out your nature of goodness in every situation. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.’


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