August 27, 2016

Jude 1:1 (NKJV)

‘…To those who are called, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ:’

There are three special blessings that God gives to His beloved Saints on the earth. I rejoice because these three things are sufficient for any Saint to live on. In these three things, I have all I need. Firstly, we are called. We did not call God; He called us. I can never stop marveling at the reality of election. He called me out of the miry clay; where I was stuck, dirty, condemned and useless. But He looked at me and called me out. Then He sanctified me. Another version says, ‘Loved me’. So it was His love for me that made Him sanctify me, make me clean. In love, He removed all the filth and dirty and stench on me. He didn’t just call me and leave me as a wretched useless vagabond. He brought me into the palace of grace and reformed and renewed me. In love, He clothed me with His righteousness. Finally, He preserved me. He keeps me in love, within the bosom of His grace. He preserves this great work He has done in me. He watches over me to ensure that I do not slide back into the dirt. He preserves me from all of Satan’s evil scheming. What a wonder!

What more can I want from a God? If there was another, can he do these things for me? All my deepest needs are fulfilled in these mighty 3 blessings. I am satisfied. I am at rest in God, for I have been loved beyond my comprehension.

‘Thank you Lord for you have done what no one else has done or could do. You have reached out to me and you have taken me over so completely and blessed me so thoroughly, that I can’t even imagine loving another like you. Your love and grace is overwhelming. And to think that this is what you’ve done for billions of Saints down through the ages. You are awesome Lord. You are simply awesome.’


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