August 30, 2016

Jude 1:4 (NKJV)

‘For certain men have crept in unnoticed…ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.’

There are ungodly men who have crept into the church and presented themselves as men of God. But these are wicked and ungodly men whom heaven has already judged and condemned. They crept in quietly so that we don’t notice them. They slipped in through the windows of our churches and settled in comfortably as one of us; and we never suspected them or knew them. Until they started to teach and influence others. And what are they teaching? Lewdness in place of the grace of God. They take the grace of God for granted. According to NLT, they say ‘that God’s marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives’. So in essence, these men are preachers of immorality.

I am determined to spend my last breath fighting away such doctrines in the Church. I don’t care who is the ‘minister’ in charge but it is heresy. But because such heresies appeal to the flesh of men, they spread very rapidly. What is this great new revelation that allows us continue living in immorality and at the same time find comfort that we are still covered by grace? This is attractive and seductive and appealing. But these lies must be exposed for what they are: lies from Satan to take the people of God into the embers of hell. So for the love of God and the love of God’s people, don’t be silent. People who teach these things have already denied our Lord and Master, so they don’t belong to us. Confront them harshly and biblically; and don’t spare.

‘Lord, expose these heretics who have worked their way into the Church of God. Expose and shame them. And use me and others like me who burn with jealousy for your name, to reveal their doctrines as lies from hell and to save God’s elect by countering their lies through correct biblical teaching. Help me not to slack on this. I pray in Jesus name.’


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