September 7, 2016

Psalms 1:1 (NKJV)

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful”

The spiritual life is quite simple and Scriptures gives very simple prescriptions and directions on how to experience the Blessed Life; but we are so complicated and we would rather prefer our humanly generated and intricate ‘principles’ of spiritual growth, which often leave us unfulfilled and void of the very blessed life we so much desire.

3 clear instructions are given in this verse: Don’t accept the advice and ideas of ungodly people; don’t make sinners your primary community; don’t enjoy fellowship and discussions with those who scorn others. In summary, don’t locate your heart and your life with the things that offend God or are harmful to your fellow man. Stay away from ‘dwelling with and enjoying the company of’ evil people and evil associations. Protect yourself. Protect your mind. Protect your eyes. Protect your ears. Watch your crowd.

Though this seems so simple, yet it’s the fundamental foundation for being godly and living the godly life.

‘O Lord, I have often wanted the higher wisdom and the deeper principles of spirituality, but you make it simple and basic today. Help me guard my heart and my feet, that my life may be detached from what displeases you and that I may never find pleasures in the ways of sinful people. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen’


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