September 11, 2016

Psalms 1:3 (NKJV)

“He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”

The correctly rooted man prospers. That is a statement of fact. God’s will for us is that we prosper and not live in failure. With the fullness of God on our side, it would seem that whatever we touch receives the touch of God. Because we are located in God and with God, we carry the divine presence and power of God with us. Failure is not in our dictionary because God does not fail.

Who is that blessed man? He prospers in the things of life. Note here that this is not specifically referenced to physical prosperity but to his general prosperity: prosperity in his relationships, in his health, in his family life, in his investments, in his pursuits, in his career, in his experience of God; basically, he prospers in ‘whatever he does’, because the Almighty God is on his side. Isn’t that awesome? By the way, failure is not a characteristic of the prospering life and we must not equate the spiritual life with a life that fails.

While we search for prosperity in all kinds of places and with all kinds of people, the fundamental strategy to overwhelming heaven-endorsed prosperity remains with being rooted in God. Succeed to stay rooted and it will automatically lead to your experience of prosperity. Depart from this basic truth and your life will always be parched and useless. If you want prosperity the God way, this is the way.

‘O Lord, deliver me from accepting failure as a definition of my life. If the Almighty God is with me, even failure becomes a channel to my prosperity because God cannot fail. Lord, help me to not shy away from your will for me to enter your full prosperity in every area of my life. Teach me to embrace this as your will and to remain rooted in you so that I naturally prosper in whatever I do. This I ask in Jesus name.’


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