September 16, 2016

Psalms 2:8-9 (NKJV)

‘Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”’

The Lord Jesus is given the right to ask the Lord God for the very nations that are conspiring against Him. Isn’t that amazing? So despite their scheming, Jesus will eventually reign over these nations and break them to pieces. The very people, who refuse to accept His reign over them, will bow to His Lordship. Wow! Praise be to God.

Jesus in me is making that demand today and I in Jesus am asking, ‘Lord, give Jesus the nations as His inheritance and when the right time comes, dash in pieces all who stand against Jesus.’ Whatever the response of the nations is today, they shall become the possessions of the Lord Jesus because it is the decree of the Lord God Almighty. My role is to constantly align with this prophetic declaration, and by Christ and in Christ- to make that request to the Lord God Almighty- that the nations MUST bow down under the reign of Christ.

Are we engaged in these daily prophetic prayers, aligning our hearts with heaven’s declarations concerning the nations?

‘So Lord, am excited that I am part of your work in bringing the nations into your inheritance. Although there is much opposition, I am glad that some peoples in the nations are waking up to the reality of who you are and that by your blood and in your love, you really have purchased the nations unto eternal salvation. Thank you for giving me the privilege to participate in making this happen. Remind me to pray these prophetic declarations every day. This I ask, in Jesus name.’


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