September 17, 2016

Psalms 2:10-12 (NKJV)

‘Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry…’

Before the wrath of the Son is unleashed against them, the rulers who are influencing the nations against Christ are given an opportunity to redeem themselves while it is still possible.

It takes spiritual wisdom to know when you cannot win and the nations will be wise to accept the instruction to submit to Christ before the Day of Judgment comes. Embracing the Son of God today is the only way out because those who rejoice today outside Christ must so do with trembling knowing the Day of Visitation is fast approaching. In summary, there’s no way out for the wise than to serve the Lord and submit to His rulership. No alternative. No other option. The foolish are those who somehow still believe in the fortitude of their kingdoms and somehow believe they can overcome on the great Day of the Lord. Such foolishness and folly will obviously yield eternal and painful consequences.

My glad and daily response in wisdom is to serve my Lord with reverence, rejoice in Him (while trembling against His judgment) and to kiss His Royalty daily. This I do in all gladness, to my Lord and King.

‘Lord, enforce your Lordship. Let the ends of the earth know you are Lord and that as a Sovereign; you don’t fool around with rebellion. Let the nations taste a bit of your wrath that they may awaken to the need to align with you before the Day of Full Wrath arrives. And may I live in total obedience and service to you, my only Sovereign. Amen.’


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