September 18, 2016

Psalms 2:12 (NKJV)

‘…When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.’

In the midst of the wrath of God being kindled against the nations, there is a minority group of people who escape His anger. There cannot be a greater blessedness than being outside the wrath of the Most High and that those who hide in Jesus are safe from God’s wrath. What a wonder! What a privilege!

Don’t waver O child of God. Don’t be tempted to put your trust elsewhere. As the storms take over the earth, remain hidden in the hollow of His hand for that is where those who love Him escape into. We are blessed because we chose not to trust the rulers of the earth, neither live by their dictates and regulations. We refuted the world system and did not even trust in our own wisdom. We simply put our trust in Him and we found total rest and safety.

Don’t waver O child of God. Don’t waver!

‘Irrespective of my condition and my frustrations with the world system, Lord I will not stop trusting you. I will not waver. My blessings and peace are intricately tied to living in trust. I trust you and am entrusted to you. I am safe. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you.’


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