September 21, 2016

Psalms 3:6-8 (NKJV)

‘I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around. Arise, O Lord; Save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone…Salvation belongs to the Lord…’

I WILL NOT BE AFRAID. This is the confession of my life. I will not be afraid. Satan and his perpetrators want to instill fear in me but I will not fear, no matter what you do or how many you are. Because I trust in the Lord, He will arise for me. Yes, I know they surround me and their site is fearful but I will choose not to look at them but on the God of heaven.

Salvation does not come through compromise. Salvation does not come through surrender. Salvation comes through putting your hope in God. He is the one able to strike the enemy where it hurts the most. Because I know He is able to do this, I resolutely refuse to fear. I will not fear.

Do not let your heart tremble when you are surrounded. He will save you for salvation is of our God. Be still and watch Him strike terror in them.

‘Yes, Lord, I will not fear. I refuse to fear. I reject that panic that comes when the enemies of my soul seem to be gaining an upper hand. I speak to my spirit- “do not be afraid.” Reject the human inclination to run. Stand and trust. Salvation comes from the Lord and on you Lord will I wait- even against all hope. Yes, I will yet wait and not be afraid. Amen.’


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