September 26, 2016

Psalms 4:5 (NKJV)

‘Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.’

All sacrifices are useless if they are not the sacrifices of righteousness. All ministries are useless if they are not the ministries in righteousness. We tend to focus so much on the sacrifice (the things we want to do or the ministries we are doing for the Lord) and we forget that God is not so much interested in the activity as much as who is doing the activity.

Our offerings are ‘qualified’ and acceptable based on the level of righteousness of the person offering the sacrifice. If I put all my trust in the Lord and live out that trust in practical ways, then I am righteous. Such a state of heart will make me first acceptable to the Lord and will thereafter sanctify my offering. Let’s not put the cart before the horse. Let’s stop focusing on people doing; let’s focus on people being…being righteous in their total trust in the Lord.

Can your offering pass the test of your life?

‘Lord, please help me not focus on activities (even good ones); but teach me to reflect on the state of my heart and the state of my trusting you. Make your righteousness cover me and teach me to live the simple life of faith, wherein my activities emanate from the deep love and trust I have in you. This I pray, in Jesus name. Amen’


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