September 27, 2016

Psalms 4:6-7 (NKJV)

‘…Lord, lift up the light of your countenance upon us. You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased.’

There are pleasures that come from human means and human things. The earth can provide pleasures of different shapes and sizes, but there is a gladness of heart that transcends what the earth can provide. There is a depth of gladness that goes beyond human reasoning or human understanding. There is something deeper and richer and fuller and more satisfying. And that comes from the Lord’s countenance falling on a man.

It cannot be explained or understood but when heaven showers a man with the presence of God, there is an infilling of joy and gladness and rejoicing- that cannot be explained. When the light of God’s countenance overshadows you, even in the midst of lack and want and hurt and pain and deprivation and scorn- there is an inward well of overflowing joy that cannot be contained or controlled or camouflaged. It’s just so- contagious!

Are you experiencing this overflowing unfading joy?

‘O hallelujah to Jesus- the Bright and Morning Star! What’s all this noise about human pleasures and human things being so critical to our satisfaction? It’s all a sham, a bunch of lies. All these can’t satisfy. Lord, you are my satisfaction. In you is gladness and rest of heart and mind. O Lord, the deepest need of my life is to dwell in your countenance; to have the overshadowing Presence of the Most High overshadow me. Then will gladness overtake me and overwhelm me and override all the stresses, distresses and distortions of earthly living, including the distractions and deceits of earthly pleasures. Overwhelm me Lord with your countenance today Lord. Overwhelm me again. Amen’


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