September 29, 2016

Psalms 5:1 (NKJV)

‘Give ear to my words, O Lord, Consider my meditation.’

My daily desire is that God will not just hear my words but the unspoken deep cries of my heart. Sometimes, we are at loss for words but God knows and understands. Even when words fail us, He moves beyond our words and penetrates the deepest recesses of our brooding heart to engage with us. God is not limited by our limitations because He is Lord of all. He is Lord of the tongue and Lord of the heart.

So don’t feel you must construct words for God to hear. He hears when you are silent on the outside; He hears and reads your heart. When you don’t understand what is happening to you and what’s happening all around you; and you don’t know how to properly phrase your requests and supplications, He will not penalize you for that. Eloquence has never impressed God and in fact, long elaborate prayers put Him off. He sees what we don’t see; He hears what we don’t say. So I will not join the bandwagon of those who need to shout and speak long to impress God. I will speak what needs to be spoken outwardly, but leave the rest in my meditation; because even there, He sees and will respond.

‘Lord don’t just hear my words; hear my meditations. Hear the deep cries of my heart. Hear those things that I am unable to put into words. When words fail me, my heart yet speaks and it’s the deep calling unto your deep that I am asking. Many times, I don’t feel like praying with words; I don’t feel like talking; I don’t feel like expressing myself outwardly. Modern prayer seems to be focused on the external speech. This seems to be the agreed mode of prayer as taught by the Contemporary Church. But Lord, many times, I don’t feel like expressing outwardly but I know you read my heart. Please hearken unto the deep cries of my meditation and accept them as spoken words to you in prayer. This I ask in Jesus name.’


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