October 1, 2016

Psalms 5:5 (NKJV)

‘The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity.’

Humility is a state of mind and a grace from God. Those who stand in the presence of God are humble and the humble are those who receive grace from standing in the presence of God. It’s a double win; for only by standing with God do I find the grace of humility and I cannot stand with God without the grace of humility. Evil workers are those who somehow think they can make it without grace and so are full of self and boastfulness. God hates such.

So why would I even want to be boastful or proud knowing that I am losing grace and losing my standing before God? What do I have that I should be proud of, if not the grace of God; for everything else I have is actually a product of God’s grace. So grace is all we need in life and grace is all we need to be proud of because it is all of grace and by this grace can I actually be humble.

Please know that you are a worker of iniquity once you walk in any form of boastfulness, and you have no place in God’s presence.

‘Lord, teach me every day, the need to never ever lift myself or become proud as though I ever became something without grace. If I only can remind myself of my utter uselessness without grace, that will sure keep me humble. If someone puts me down, it’s ok because am down anyway without grace and if grace allows me to be put down, it’s still a grace of God to remind me of my true worth without God. Whatever you do, please remind me of my need to stay humble and dependent on grace. Failure to do this makes me an evil worker and God will hate me and push me out.’


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