October 16, 2016

Psalms 8:3-5 (NKJV)

‘When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels (Elohim), and You have crowned him with glory and honor.’

It still baffles me, that the Maker of the heavens of the heavens and all the galactic stars still has time for me and my specie of weak humanity. It’s amazing and baffling because if God wanted to gaze upon complex and mighty creations, they are out there not here. But praise God, who made man in His image, bearing the semblance of God and the inner attributes of divinity, such privileges that are not ascribed to any other creation.

So while the Septuagint, the Syriac, and Targum Bible transcripts state that Man was made a little lower than Angels, the original Hebrew word translated, as Angel is actually Elohim- God Himself! Wow! It means that God is mindful and focused on and interested in Man because he is made a little short of the full divinity of God Elohim. We are short because of sin and when this sin is dealt with at the cross, we are restored to our rightful place as inherently divine beings in nature under God. God is mindful of man because man is made like Himself and because of the atonement, God is even more mindful of the Redeemed Saints who bear the image of Christ. God has crowned me with His glory and honor. Praise God for such honor. Such privilege. Such blessing.

‘Am excited this day because it’s clear that I am not just a creation of God but one who is specially and wonderfully made in the semblance of Elohim; and though sin had marred me for a season, now in Christ, I have been restored into that original perfect picture and pattern of the maker; created in His image and likeness; elevated from mere humanity into divinity by the work of Redemption. And while I must never ascribe to myself the status of God (which in itself is a blasphemy and a dishonoring of God), I must rejoice in the elevation above all other creations by reason of my proximity in status to the Godhead Himself because I bear His image. Oh, what excitement! My heart is full of thankfulness to God for this mindfulness and this elevation and this awesome privilege. Thank you, Jesus, for your work of restoration and translation. Amen.’


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