October 20, 2016

Psalms 9:15 (NKJV)

‘The nations have sunk down in the pit which they made; In the net which they hid, their own foot is caught.’

This is a repeated theme: the wicked who make plans against the righteous will have those plans backfire and boomerang on them. It is repeated so frequently that it must have been something DAVID had experienced again and again.

I must therefore not fret about what the evil nations are scheming up against me as an individual or against the Church of the living God. At the end of the day, their very schemes will end up glorifying God and promoting the causes of God. We saw that happen with the resurrection. If they had not crucified Jesus and He had just died a normal ordinary death, there would not be a Christian movement today. So what was aimed at stifling the mushroom movement, actually led to its global explosion. So yes, the devil is smart but he is not as smart as he thinks he is because his smartness is still foolishness to God. His smartness is always very limited to what God allows him to know.

‘God teach me to rest, even when I don’t see the whole picture. Help me rest in the fact that you cannot be defeated and you in me cannot be defeated. And that all the plans to crush and oppress me and the Church of God will only eventually lead to the promotion and extension of God’s purposes for me and the Church. Teach me to rest in your sovereignty and faithfulness. Amen’


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