October 21, 2016

Psalms 9:19-20 (NKJV)

‘Arise, O Lord, Do not let man prevail…Put them in fear, O Lord, That the nations may know themselves to be but men.’

How I desire for the Lord to arise and smash the arrogance of Man. Man seems to have an over bloated impression of himself and therefore always lives and breathes only for his selfishness ego, even if it’s at the expense of others. All the cruelties on earth are linked to this undying self-centeredness that keeps seeking the center stage of human existence. O, that God will arise and smash this totally and put Man in fear.

But there is a time and a season for this. A time is coming when Man will know that he is but Man. The day has not come yet but that day is coming, and coming very soon. It will be a time when all the glories of man will fade like the withered grass and there will be nothing left to boast of. Yes, that day is coming, and coming soon.

‘O Lord, come quickly. Not just so that we may enter into your eternal bliss but so that man may realize that what he has is actually valueless and cannot stand the test of time. O come quickly and free us from the tyranny of little men who think they are big men and spend all their efforts to prove that they are not little, and by so doing only prove their littleness. O, Lord. Come quickly. Amen’


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