Psalms 10:8-9 (NKJV)
‘He sits in the lurking places of the villages; In the secret places he murders the innocent…He lies in wait secretly, as a lion in his den…He catches the poor when he draws him into his net.’
The strategy of the wicked has always been to focus on the poor and the helpless. This is part of the evil of wickedness, to prey on the needy and vulnerable. But how does he do it? He waits in secret places. He sits and looks from dark corners. He lurks. He crouches. He invites the vulnerable away from their safety, away into the secret place where his nets are ready to trap the needy.
And therefore, we must be aware of these tactics: and not only avoid them but teach others to avoid them. Avoid lurking places. Avoid going into dark places alone and at wrong times. Avoid the attractions into strange and new ideas and suggestions that may seem exciting but are actually drawing you away from your place of protection, drawing you into the net awaiting you in the dark. Be aware that he lurks. He crouches. Don’t be naive and poor at the same time. You are only helpless when you make add carelessness and naivety to your poverty.
Wise up!
‘Awaken our hearts O Lord to the secret tactics of the wicked. We know they are crouching and looking for opportunity to devour. And because the righteous are many times so naive of the ways of darkness, they do not see the net that’s behind the dark corners where they’re invited into. Deliver your sons and daughters O Lord, from foolishness. Keep us within the safety of the shadow of the Almighty and may they never find attractive, the seductions that invite them in the dark. This I pray earnestly. In Jesus name.’