October 30, 2016

Psalms 12:3-4 (NKJV)

‘May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, And the tongue that speaks proud things, Who have said, “With our tongue we will prevail…’

It is true that there is so much power in the tongue and with the tongue, you can greatly influence lives and outcomes. But this truth has led some people to think that the tongue is an end in itself and by the power of speech, you can get anything you want. Such people become proud because of their oratory skills and they see themselves as being all-powerful, because of the ways people respond to their oratory.

But may the Lord humble such people by making their tongues produce futility. May the Lord cut off flattering lips so that they flatter but it has no effect. It is only when the power of the tongue begins to fail that some proud people will return to humility and will again put their trust in the God who made the lips and the words they produce.

Are you humbly using your oratory and communication skills for the Lord or for personal gain?

‘Lord, have mercy on me and deliver me from any form of pride, particularly the pride that comes from the gifts you have bestowed on me. Deliver me from the prideful look, prideful words, and the prideful heart. If my heart is not proud, then my words and my looks will not be proud. Circumcise my heart again today, that I may be able to speak with humility, and even if people respond to my words, I’ll know it’s not me working but you- the maker of the tongue- who’s really working. Amen.’


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