November 2, 2016

Psalms 13:5-6 (NKJV)

‘But I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.’

This is the beauty of David. On the one hand, he’s crying for God to answer him and intervene. But at the same time, he’s joyful in what God has done already and he is full of hope. This is how to live the blessed life. To learn to be joyful even when things aren’t the way you want them to be. This is how to live to the glory of God.

So don’t be whining and complaining about what God has not done and what you want God to do. Yes, we need to keep raising our requests and desires before our God; but in the interim, live life in the praise of what He has already done. If we have trusted in His mercy and He came through in the past, the joy of knowing this should be our garment during the time of waiting for the next move. We must be joyful in the sorrow of waiting.

Don’t whine and pine in the time of waiting. Wait in confidence and hope.

‘Lord, this is an ironical life but it’s the spiritual life. Our call is to rejoice in the God of our salvation even when we ache and wait for you to come through for us. Teach me how to be vibrant and joyful while being tearful and hungry for you to answer me. Teach me this discipline. When the need is greatest, I need to know how to still rejoice in the midst of the pain. I know this is the spiritual life and I want to live out that spiritual life in real terms and in flesh and blood. Help me Lord. Amen.’


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